Offers speed, precision, and best of all, a single cleaning surface at the first point of contact with patients.
The DS-20 was developed to perform Vital signs (Temperature, NIBP, SPO2, HR, and Respiration Rate), Resting EKG & Rhythm EKG, all in one device.
Also fits in different patient’s care process at Urgent Cares, Hospitals ERs, and Doctor’s offices because the Triage can be perform in 3 minutes with only one device, which otherwise may take longer using multiple devices.
Daily use of the DS-20 helps improve work flow, reducing the workload of nurses and promoting the feeling of immediate care to patients.
Provides the most precise measurements to make the best medical decisions.
SCHILLER is the only manufacture with a complete diagnostic station with every option built into one unit. This Innovative, Accurate and High Performance device was develop to enhance and simplify the physician’s office and Hospitals daily workflow.
Customize parameters that can adapt to any healthcare enviroment with excellent quality and precision. It is a large, intuitive and easy to used touchscreen device that will allow for a short learning curve.
Can perform the most common primary care signs in combination with the highest quality EKG.
Also with its unique design of the DS-20 makes it even easier for clinicians to record patient data and transfer it securely.
Basic parameters include:
• ECG Waveform
• Respiration
• Heart Rate
• NIBP (Automatic cycles and manual)
• SPO2 (Oxygen saturation, plethysmograph, Peripheral Pulse)
• Temperature with Temporal Artery Thermometry
• Weight/ Height/ BMI through External Digital Scales
Immediately detects connected sensors and automatically displays the corresponding value. Also with quick operation allows you to easily add or remove parameters.
The following options are available:
• Resting ECG – 10 lead EKG highgest quality acquisition
• Rhythm ECG – 10 lead
• Masimo Rainbow SpCO
Quality and performance of the DS-20 improve the workflow from 10 min to 5 min from Patient Preparation to Vitals and EKG test.
Shorten the patient screening time helps to:
1. Improve patient flow
2. Reduce waiting times
3. Reduce care costs
4. Maximize the patient visit
5. See More Patients
Is an easy to clean device due to its flat surface, no keyboard or mouse is needed thanks to its touch screen functionality.
It is safe for practitioners as it can be used with gloves.
Has different mounting systems available depends on the facility’s needs.
The options are:
• Trolley
• Wall mounts
• Desk stands
With bidirectional communication with integrated WiFi and Ethernet as standard In keeping with a simplified daily workflow we connect with EMR’s, HIS or SEMA through LAN and Wi-Fi to manage patient records and work-lists (HIS, HL7 & DICOM).
Wifi and USB Printer capabilities.
The only cardiopulmonary manufacture that is iOS compatible.